
Monday, June 18, 2012

“Mobley Questions Adam Gray’s Evolving Job Title At U.C. Merced"

Unemployed Californian
 The Mobley campaign recently raised the specter of whether Adam Gray, candidate for the 21st Assembly District, had falsified his ballot designation on the June 5th Primary Ballot.  The various job titles that candidate Gray has given himself during the course of the campaign have raised eyebrows, and a lot of questions, from people within the District.
 “Adam Gray is posing as a University Lecturer at UC Merced, apparently in an attempt to appear established locally in the 21st Assembly District, and to create an aura of prestige,” said Mobley.  “His recent financial disclosure forms tell a different story.  His Form 700 filing indicates that the bulk of his income is derived from a business called Adam Gray Consulting.”
 Gray’s website biography states that he is a “course assistant/lecturer” at UC Merced.  One of his campaign flyers identifies his as “UC Merced Teacher.”  Another piece of campaign literature, in the form of a letter from his mother and step father, contains this quote:  “We were both proud when our son Adam started teaching at UC Merced.”  Another flyer intimates that he “teaches and mentors” students at both UC Merced and California State University Stanislaus.
 For his ballot job designation, Gray chose “University Lecturer/Advisor.” He lists two references to substantiate that claim-Nathan Monroe, who teaches a Political Science course at UC Merced, and Adam’s uncle, Robin Adam, long time Merced County political operative, who has no direct affiliation with the University.  This raised suspicions because Gray, who only holds a two-year college degree, does not qualify as a “Lecturer” according to standards set by UC, which specify a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. for that position.
 A citizen query to the UC Merced Chancellor’s Office received the following May 17 email response:  “Adam Gray is a course tutor, not a faculty member or a lecturer.”  There was no clarification as to whether “course tutor” is a paid position.
 It has become clear that neither Adam Gray nor his campaign seem anxious to answer these and other questions that have recently surfaced regarding the candidates credibility. Calls to the Gray campaign were not returned by press time. 
 With term limits: the voters have increasingly been left with an ever decreasing pool of experienced candidates to choose from. Jack Mobley has at least served several terms on the Merced County Planning Commission whereas: Adam Gray can only cite his time in Sacramento, which speaks volumes to the level of experience he brings to the table. Both candidates would be well served to focus on bringing jobs and some measure of sanity to the long suffering voters of what is presently known as the 21st Assembly District.
 The voters don’t escape blame in all of this. After all, they keep electing candidates that have a hard time keeping promises and seem to be married to the special interests in Sacramento. The Valley certainly deserves an independent voice that speaks for them whether in Sacramento or Washington. Maybe someday we can find another Ken Maddy or a Gary Condit to send up there, until then everyone needs to keep looking….

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