In today's ultra competitive travel market Apex Trips, of Turlock California, has carved out a successful niche in the community they serve by providing personalized customer service to their loyal customers. Mary Couto Lewis brings thirty two years of travel industry experience to the table, which is rare in a business where bookings are done more and more online. "Customers appreciate the personal touch only a seasoned travel agent can provide," Lewis said. "By speaking with and listening to my clients I can tailor a package to fit their schedule and budget," she added.
Cruising has become one of the bright segments of the travel industry in a down economy according to experts. Apex Trips has steadily increased the number of cruise packages they offer their clients: These include cruises to the Caribbean, Mexico and Europe. Couto Lewis is excited about the upcoming five day Carnival Cruise to Ensenada aboard the Inspiration: with a capacity of over 4,000 passengers there are plenty of activities and entertainment planned by Carnival's excellent shipboard staff. In addition to Carnival's excellent onboard entertainment popular Portuguese artist Erminio Lemos will also participate in the musical portion of the festivities.
Heritage tours to Portugal, Spain,Italy,France,Greece and Brazil are a specialty of Apex Trips. Heritage tours are organized especially for second and third generation non native speakers that wish to explore their ancestral homeland. These tours are normally all inclusive and are accompanied by a native speaker. Religious tours to Fatima and Lourdes are also popular throughout the year. These customized packages are often much more economical and convenient for the first time visitor who can relax without having to worry about finding a hotel or getting to and from the various attractions. Having an experienced agent and an expert guide makes for a much more enjoyable trip for all.
Apex Trips is currently planning a tour of Brazil scheduled for early spring of next year: to include Rio de Janeiro, Iguacu Falls, Belo Horizonte and Manaus. Rio de Janeiro has something for everyone: from beautiful beaches to the exciting nightlife no wonder they call Rio "A Cidade Maravilhosa" (The Marvelous City). Belo Horizonte is located in the State of Minas Gerais and has a population of just over 5 million. In spite of barely being one hundred years old, this modern city has all the comforts of home. Manaus is the Amazon's largest city and serves as a major departure point for tours of the Amazon Rainforest. Iguacu Falls is one of the Seven Wonders of Nature and is located on the border between Brazil and Argentina. Some say that it takes several trips to Brazil to fully appreciate this natural wonder of the world. This tour will be guided by agent Angela Pereira, formerly of the Portuguese Tourism Office in San Francisco.
Mary Couto Lewis has no plans to retire anytime soon, which is good news for the traveling public. For further information on Apex Trips and their various travel packages visit their website at www.apextrips.com. They may also be reached by phone at (209) 632-3935.
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