
Monday, January 23, 2012

Russ Feingold and Senator John McCain on the Anniversary of Citizens United

"Two years ago, the Supreme Court handed down one of the worst, and most radically activist decisions in the Court's history, Citizens United. Overturning more than a century of settled law, and with an unprecedented naiveté of the political process, the Court charted a course for legalized bribery. Sadly, both Democrats and Republicans are now following the dangerous road of unlimited money in politics. There is no question whether scandal will arise from this decision; the only question is when. On this anniversary, we call on both parties to work together to remedy the obvious damage to our political system caused by the Citizens United decision."
During their time in the United States Senate, Russ Feingold and John McCain worked together to gain bipartisan support for a sweeping campaign finance reform measure, which became law as the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. The central part of that law bans the practice of unlimited contributions given directly to political parties.

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